Provide Knitted Knockers for your community
If you are a yarn shop owner there are several ways you can help the cause of getting knitted knockers to those in need. One way is to commit to provide knockers for requests in your community. This can be accomplished in either of two ways. One is to sign up to be a distributor for Knittedknockers.org. Any requests for knockers that come in via the website for your community would be forwarded to you to fill. The person requesting the knocker could either pick it up, or be mailed if they live too far away. If requested, postage can be reimbursed by us. The hope would be that you commit to fulfill all requests within a 2 week period. Upon delivery of the requested knockers we would be notified via email that they had gone out so we would know the order has been filled.
Connecting with hospitals, doctors offices and clinics is a good way to distribute knockers in your own community. The doctors offices in our area embrace them totally. They call and request more as needed. If you need a reference to help get your foot in the door we can help with that. [See Dr. endorsement at the bottom of this page]. Connecting with local breast cancer walks such as Race for the Cure, Women’s expos, etc., are all great options for reaching women who can use them. We set a basket of knockers out with a sign offering them free for those that want them and also invite people to make them.
Provide Knitted Knockers for the world
If you aren’t able to be involved with distribution we are happy to take all knitted knockers and distribute them directly from our location in Washington State. We distribute to all who request them from all over the world. Just mail the unstuffed knockers to us anytime and we are happy to reimburse for the postage if requested.
Knitted Knockers Support Foundation
1405 Fraser St. #F103
Bellingham, WA 98229
Make Knitted Knockers
Utilizing existing knitting groups or starting Knitted Knocker groups is very effective. We knit knockers once a week at the local yarn shop where we also provide free instructions on how to make the knockers, needles and the appropriate yarn for sale.
Putting up a small display in the store with a basket of knockers and sign indicating what they are and when and where you can meet and learn how to make them is effective. Offering a discount on a future purchase for bringing back a completed knocker is a great incentive.
Apple Yarns had an open house where Knitted Knockers were featured with standing room only attendance. A display was out with wine and appetizers. We were present to talk about the vision and purpose behind knitted knockers appealed to people looking to do good with their knitting and crocheting talents. The knitted knockers are small projects and a good knitter can complete one in about 3 hours. Knitted knockers in all sizes and colors are always welcome but the biggest demand are for neutral, pastel colors or flesh colored. We encourage people to make a pair of each size and color because that is what is the most requested. Just providing a place where women can bring knockers to be mailed to us or distributed as you see fit is wonderful for those that would love to knit them but can’t join a group and don’t know how to distribute them themselves.
Please click the button above to be listed in the Provider Directory.
Sample inserts to send with knockers and various printed materials to use are attached here. Feel free to download them and substitute your name and information as you see fit. Just leave knittedknockers.org somewhere on the document. Please send us any of your great promotional ideas that we may share
We are working with yarn companies to get endorsements from them. Also, let us know if you find any yarn companies willing to offer discounts for those purchasing their product to make and donate Knitted Knockers.
View physician endorsement.