Knitted Knockers

International Providers in Ecuador

Below you will find group(s) willing to fill orders for people in Ecuador. Please contact them directly to order your breast forms. They should follow up with you with more information about your order. If you have questions or do not get your order filled in a reasonable amount of time (4 weeks or so) contact us at to request us to fill your order from the US.

Contact Name: Carolina Balmaseda Pupo
Address: Bogota, Colombia, Colombia
Phone: 573118431949
Somos un grupo de voluntarias tejedoras lideradas por Judith Pupo con sede principal en la ciudad de Bogotá, y con voluntarias en Cali, Medellín, Cartagena. Hemos entregado más de 400 prótesis a nivel nacional en todo Colombia y en Ecuador, nuestras prótesis mamarias están tejidas con hilos y patrones aprobados de Knitted Knockers, y donadas a través de Fundaciones, Hospitales, Médicos y de manera directa, a quienes requieren de manera temporal o definitiva. Inspiradas e invitadas por nuestra gran amiga y compañera desde la niñez, Ludmila Cavallo, quién organizó el grupo de Knitted Knockers en Francia, estamos muy orgullosas del camino recorrido tejiendo con mucho amor y con propósito, tocando tantas vidas. Síguenos en nuestra página en Instagram @knittedknockerscolombia y contáctanos.

We are a group of volunteer weavers led by Judith Pupo with headquarters in the city of Bogotá, and with volunteers in Cali, Medellín, Cartagena. We have delivered more than 400 prostheses nationwide throughout Colombia and Ecuador, our breast prostheses are woven with threads and approved patterns of Knitted Knockers, and donated through Foundations, Hospitals, Doctors and directly, to those who require temporarily or permanently. Inspired and invited by our great friend and companion since childhood, Ludmila Cavallo, who organized the Knitted Knockers group in France, we are very proud of the path traveled weaving with much love and purpose, touching so many lives. Follow us on our Instagram page @knittedknockerscolombia and contact us.
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